Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday APRIL 27th

Last week my teammates and I Cut a bunch of pieces of wood To build a wood organizer we also got into solidworks to get our measurements correct 
 Solid works is a 3D Graphic design program THAT ENABLES YOU TO MAKE SHAPES AND OBJECTS  I have a few Computer pictures  to show the detail that went into this build 
Today and The rest of the short week we're going build our the organizer we have all of our Wood pieces together now all we have to do is connect them

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday April 24

The wood organizer is almost complete jack  is measuring out the wood strips to cut so we have walls holding the structure in place 
My other teammate jaret is cuting the foundation ( floor ) it's going to hole the structure in place we also are trying to add Wheels to it so it could be mobile

It's layed out right now but it will come together shortly we're trying to see and measure exactly which parts go where heres a picture of the bottom of the structure finally out of the wheels to it then to today early Monday it should be done and we should have it ready to be used 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monday 4/20/15

This is our last hole week we have together  next week will be short so our teams where split into two groups with different task 
My teammate jeret is zig-sawing Wood strips out  for the wood organizer  it's going to be three shelves & four beems holding them My other teammate is doing a  simpler yet more time consuming task he has to fix every computer chair  it's a four leg  frame connected to a plastic seat six bults hold  it together 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday April 13th

We have another rebounder to fix so both my teammates are working on it simultaneously also have Mr. Reeds boat Stand were also still working on it 

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

April 8th

Today and for the rest of the week we are welding another rebounder for lacrosse we finished one up on Monday and today we have another one right now were sending down apart so we can start welding
 Now are welding two brackets to the goalpost so it holds it in place longer 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday April 6th

Last week Thursday my team re-welded the support beam and added in new springs for the lacrosse rebounder before it was broken and couldn't work in my team fix it we will sit down discuss what's going on for the rest of the week but for right now were working on this